A Brief Update of Sorts…

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I wanted to drop in a quick note to keep everyone up to date on what has been transpiring over the past two weeks…

The hernia surgery went well, though during aftercare I developed full-fledged pneumonia with a fear induce panic attack that cost me 10 or so hours of consciousness, leaving a ragged hole of uneasy fear and questions where those memories should have been…

I got out of the hospital a few days early to protect me from any *other* viruses, and have been healing up here at home.  My family has been great about making sure I do just that.

For the first time in months, I actually have semi-adequate pain control, but the medicines they gave me are more apt to just knock my ass out than anything else, so it is a weird kind of trade; either hurt like heck, or sleep.

I’ve been choosing sleep a lot.

Later today I go back in to see the bone doctor, where I plan on asking for a spinal pump of surgery on my left hip.

They have to do *something*.  Otherwise in a week or two I will be back to screaming pain with no relief in sight. >.<

I actually gave some thought to the Cause of those of us in intractable pain, and will (hopefully) get them organized and up in a post soon.

Thank you to everyone keeping tabs on me and all of the wonderful messages you have sent my way.  I wish you all as good a day as you can possibly have. J

~ by daveprime on January 29, 2013.

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